Accessibility Statement

We aim to make The Great Frog London website easy to use and accessible to everyone. This accessibility statement includes:

  • how we’re improving accessibility on our website
  • how to contact us about an accessibility issue
  • a list of accessibility issues we’re aware of (we’re working on these currently and hope these will be resolved by June 2022)

This statement covers the website.

Importance of accessibility

We want as many people as possible to be able to use our website. That means you should be able to:

  • navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
  • navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver)
  • zoom in up to 200% without the text spilling off the screen

We’re also making the website text as simple as possible to understand.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

How can I translate the website language?

You can use Google Translate to view our website in a different language. Google Translate is a free, external service that translates websites in your web browser.

External links

On our site you will find links to external websites. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, The Great Frog cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers. If you find any external links that don’t work, you can report them to us via our contact page.

Please note The Great Frog takes no responsibility for information contained on external links from this website.

How we’re improving accessibility

We have identified the following issues:

  • contrast issues where brand colours are used
  • white text on image without an overlay
  • keyboard control
  • missing labels

We are working towards resolving recommended changes to outstanding accessibility issues by June 2022.

We can confirm the site:

  • reads well with a screen reader
  • is easy to understand
  • is displayed well
  • displays perfectly if you zoom in

How is this website accessible?

Accessibility has been one of the central pillars in the web developer’s thinking, including regular audits of the site whilst building. The following has been implemented to support users whilst on the site:

Descriptive Names for Links
The site uses descriptive text for links across the site to ensure that the purpose of the link is clear to users viewing the site with the help of assistive technology.

Use of ARIA Labels
In instances where text isn’t available to the user (the navigation icon, for example), a combination of ARIA Labels and hidden screen reader only text has been used, to ensure that these elements and their functionality are identifiable to screen readers and assistive technologies.

Adjustable Text Sizing
Typography has been implemented in a way that allows the user to scale text as required using the zoom feature within their browser or keyboard shortcuts (CTRL and +/CMD and +). This helps users to increase the legibility of text independently in cases where the default sizing is tricky for users to read.

Semantically Defined Page Structure
Each major region on the page uses semantic HTML to flag page sections to screen readers. Areas such as headers, footers, navigation, images and image captions are all defined to help assistive devices understand the content it’s reading and how it relates to other content on the page. These considerations are also present on features such as lists and forms, with each form field having a label attached to it so that the purpose of each field is clearly defined for screen readers.

This approach to page structure is one of the fundamental requirements for good accessibility on the web, so it forms a key part of the site design.

Image Alt Tags
Every image on the site will have alternative text that can be used by screen reading software to describe the content to visually impaired users.

Tab Navigation
Content is navigable using the keyboard only, with content being highlighted as it is tabbed through within the browser. Highlighted links can be opened using the enter/return key.

Basic Meta Info
Every page has basic information programmatically added to it that aids accessibility. Titles are generated for each page and the use of UK English for the text content is defined on each of them. Defining the latter helps screen readers and assistive technology to announce text correctly to users.

Contact us about an accessibility problem

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of our website. Please let us know if you:

  • need information on this website in a different format such as an accessible PDF or large print
  • find a problem that isn’t listed in this accessibility statement

You can contact us by email at We’ll consider your request and get back to you in ten days.