
DEAD FAMOUS Halloween 2016

We took over The Bike Shed this Halloween with our friends at Beavertown Brewery to celebrate our limited edition collaboration beer ELDERMOTHER, a moorish blend of Beavertown’s pale ale with elderberries (not that we needed a reason to party during our favourite time of the year, but any excuse).

Inspired by the ancient pagan folklore of the Elder tree and the Elder Mother that resides within the trees, it’s believed the magical powers she possess can protect and heal. The spirit of the Elder Mother lives on by hanging Elder branches outside houses and buried with the dead to ward of evil and witchcraft. Aside from the pagan witchcraft-ery fun we had with the design of the beer and decorating the venue, the beer tasted pretty damn good too.

The theme this year was DEAD FAMOUS and we were very impressed with the effort everyone put in with their outfits. There were a lot of Steve Irwins, a few Marie Antoinettes and a very timely Pete Burns. There could only be one winner though, and that went to Anna Nicole Smith (complete with prosthetics and very genuine accent) who won our new Nevermore pendant and a mountain of Beavertown beer.

We were lucky to have live music from the amazing Haggard Cat Bothday Present – click on the link to have a listen if you missed them on the night!

For full photos click on our Facebook page.

(Photos by Reason to Stay Gold and filming by Baron Bones)

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